On 25th May 2021 Amber Hobson attended Beverley Magistrates to represent a defendant who stood charged with criminal damage and common assault. The Defendant was an environmental protestor who had attended an energy plant to live stream his protest.
The Defendant entered a guilty plea to the common assault and after seeing footage provided by the defence, the Crown offered no evidence to the criminal damage.
The Defendant had a 5 year history of protesting and an antecedent history to reflect that. Miss Hobson gave mitigation to the Court, focusing on the Defendant’s regret, ability to change and desire to contribute to society shown over the last 6 months. She set out that despite a record of protesting related offences, this was the first time this Defendant had caused harm to another and this had been the catalyst for a drastic change in the Defendant. She requested a conditional discharge for the Defendant and a significant reduction in the costs requested by the Crown.
The Court stated they had been given much to think about and rejected the prosecution suggestion that the matter be dealt with by fine or community order. The Court passed sentence of a conditional discharge with a small order for costs and victim surcharge.